Tag Archives: L’antic teatre

L’Antic Teatre

For me a new city only really starts to feel like home after you find the handful of select venues that give you that tingly warm feeling inside. That bar with tatty sofas, Budva on tap and the cute waitress who serves up your cerveza with a smile, or that club when the bouncers recognise you and never turn you down because of your footwear where the DJs actually play your type of music and you always end up meeting some cool strangers and finishing the night on a roof terrace with a mojito. Well, I must say the jury is still out on the Barcelona clubs… but I have at least found my new favourite hangout, and it’s called L’Antic Teatre. Perhaps what I like most about this place is that it reminds me of all my favourite hangouts in Krakow – like Klub Re’s beer garden, Mleczarnia and Chill Out. Much like these aforementioneds, L’Antic is essentially a scrappy little courtyard, but with the addition of a tree or two – and leafy shade from the midday sun – some tables and chairs and the odd bench, you suddenly have a funky beer garden par excellence bursting to the brim with Bohemian layabouts and alternative culture cats enjoying a clara with some pseudo-intellectual conversation. Ok, so there are a few school kids bringing the levels of sophistication down a notch or too, but they seem to understand when its past their bedtime and return home to be tucked in by their madre between the sheets, leaving the old timers plenty of places to park their portly posteriors. I’m not going to tell you where it is because if you haven’t figured out to use a search engine and a map yet I’d really rather you didn’t turn up… and in fact I’d probably not have reviewed the place at all if I thought anyone was actually reading this blog. All in all this though is probably the safest place to file such a valuable city secret. Oh to top it all, despite the fact it’s as raw as an Eskimo’s sushi, the place is actually a member’s only bar! Ha, but becoming a member basically involves filling out a form. Still it’s nice to feel exclusive in such a shitty environs…

L'Antic Teatr

L'Antic Teatr

Judging by the name, there’s also some actual culture going… I’ll leave you to decipher the website www.lanticteatre.com